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Listing of Our Social Security Blog Articles

Listing of Our Social Security Blog Articles

List of Posts By Date

The Psychology Behind Starting Social Security at 62

Social Security supplies a substantial share, and often the majority, of a retiree’s income.

How Spousal Benefits Are Calculated By Social Security

The size of your Social Security spousal benefit depends on a number of factors, including your age, the maximum amount of your spouse's benefit, and whether other benefits are available to you. There are a number of complicating factors that must be considered.

Four Unusual Ways to Boost Social Security Benefits

There are little-known strategies available that may help you decide when you or your spouse should apply. Here's how to get more from Social Security.

Guarding Your Social Security Number

When and why you need to give your Social Security number to someone, and when you shouldn't.

Social Security Administration Shortchanges Widows and Widowers

Don't count on Social Security bureaucrats to have all the answers.

Big Changes To Social Security

The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, passed by Congress and signed by the President, includes significant changes to Social Security's rules. Learn what changed about Social Security.

Maximize Your Social Security

If like me, you're over 55 (way over!), you've probably received regular invitations in the mail to attend a seminar on Social Security from an advisor that is just dying to buy you lunch or dinner.

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