Organize All Your Health Records With This Built-in Smartphone Feature
You can add your health information to specific apps to keep all your records in one place and share them with your doctors. You can even track your medication.
These health apps are helpful if you have someone with medical problems or an elderly family member who needs help keeping up with their medications and doctor appointments.
Participating doctors and hospitals can sign up with Apple’s Health Records feature to access patient data. You can share medical data with your healthcare providers, which is viewable on a dashboard.
This is useful for keeping your records handy whenever you need to access them, such as during a doctor’s visit. With the Health app, you can see all your health information — such as medications, immunizations and lab results — in one place.
While there’s no built-in Android tool to store your medical records, Google partnered with The Commons Project last year to introduce SMART Health Cards. This lets Android users store digital versions of their COVID-19 vaccination records as a shortcut on their home screen.
Read this article for detailed instructions on how to set up and use these mobile apps.